DEI Council

University of Bridgeport is committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in all facets of community life. As such, we are pleased to announce the University of Bridgeport DEI Council.


The DEI Council is chaired by the director of Multicultural Affairs and is comprised of key university stakeholders. The council's charge is to develop and lead efforts to ensure that the University’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is realized. The council will work with appropriate personnel and processes to develop a DEI plan for consideration and action by the University’s governance that incorporates the following priorities.

DEI Council Priorities and Subcommittee Structure

  • Research and Assessment Subcommittee
    • Undertake assessments of the campus climate. Issue reports and presentations on emergent trends and DEI issues. Gather and track available data on diverse student/staff/faculty retention
  • Student Engagement Subcommittee
    • Foster undergrad and grad involvement and leadership. Administer mini-grant program to support student-led programming. Nominate students for DEI related awards and recognitions
  • Civic Engagement Subcommittee
    • Pursue opportunities for off-campus community outreach. Provide resources and liaise with on- and off-campus partners to organize and lead university MLK & Black History celebrations
  • Communications Subcommittee
    • Boost visibility and awareness of university-wide DEI efforts through social media and written communications. Offer feedback and draft statements recognizing holidays, news events, etc
  • Faculty DEI Subcommittee
    • Promote DEI in the pursuit of intellectual and academic achievement. Liaise with faculty bodies such as faculty council in order to assure faculty concerns and issues.


The council is chaired by the director of multicultural affairs. Any council members will be considered for subcommittee chairs. Subcommittees correspond with the council’s priorities. Task forces or workgroups will be convened on an “as-needed” basis. Membership in subcommittees are open to all campus community members at the subcommittee chairs’ discretion.


The chair, in consultation with subcommittee chairs and other university officers, will make all new appointments. Members of the council commit to a term of one academic year. Student, faculty, and staff input is critical to the DEI Council’s mission: all students, faculty, and staff with a commitment to improving DEI at University of Bridgeport are invited to submit a nomination (self nominations are encouraged). Contact to nominate.


  1. a resume/C.V. with candidate’s name and email
  2. a personal statement of no more than 150 words discussing the candidate’s interest in the council membership and which priority identified above to which the candidate will contribute most

Contact Multicultural Affairs

John J. Cox Student Center, Room 211
244 University Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604

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